Wattage Calculator
Welcome to BougeRV's wattage calculator, your essential tool for accurately converting between mAh and watt-hours, as well as watt-hours to mAh. Our calculator simplifies the process of determining power consumption and capacity for your outdoor adventures, whether you're using our refrigerators or photovoltaic systems.
Convert mAh to Watt Hours
Insert milliamp hour (mAh) and voltage (V) and click on Calculate to obtain Watt hours (Wh).
Formula is (mAh)*(V)/1000 = (Wh). For example, if you have a 100000mAh battery rated at 12.8V, the power is 100000mAh * 12.8V / 1000 = 1280Wh.
Convert Watt Hours to mAh
Insert Watts-hour (Wh) and voltage (V) and click on Calculate to obtain milliamp-hours (mAh).
Formula is (Wh)*1000/(V) =(mAh). For example, if you have a 1280Wh battery rated at 12.8V, the power is 1280Wh * 1000 / 12.8V = 100000mAh.